Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Long time no post

I have a lot to talk about but no time to do it in.  We have been super busy.  Ellie and I are both taking ballet.  Jackson is doing great in homeschooling and recently started a PE class for homeschooler's.  He will also be starting football very soon.  I think next week will be his first practice.  Char has had a couple of tries on the big potty and has done well.  I am just not sure if I am ready for my baby to be potty trained. 

Troy's job has been iffy.  He still has one, thank you God for that.  But it is still hard when it is all so uncertain.  Will keep you posted.  I have pics to be posted soon.

Friday, February 12, 2010


So last night I had a weird but cool dream.  I thought I would document it.  Only because I have been thinking about it all day.  I also have thought about how God can speak to some in dreams.  Was He speaking to me?

I was in a room with a group of people.  Pastor Alex was speaking to us about something and was going around and praying for each person individually.  When he came to me he placed his hands on my face with his thumbs over my eyes.  He said that I was not telling enough people about Christ.  He said that I needed to evangelize.  My dream then cut to a Beth Moore concert.  There were two childhood friends of mine there.  One of them got angry at the message and left.  The other was curious.  She began writing a time line on the floor.  She was all of the sudden surrounded by books and she was researching.  The more she researched the more convicted she became.  I began to tell her about Jesus and what He did for her. That He was real and that He was the Son of God.  As I told her she began to cry and asked me to pray with her.  She was saved in my dream.  

I am pretty sure that both of the girls in my dream are not saved.  But I have not seen them in many years so I could be wrong.  I don't know if they are the ones that I am supposed to talk to.  I was thinking about how Alex had his fingers over my eyes.  Today while leaving Burger King I saw a homeless man.  I was going to give him some money but there were so many cars between us that I couldn't even flag him down.  He looked cold.  He looked sad.  He looked like he was missing something.  (I only saw him for 15 seconds max).  In that short glance I saw him. I thought about the dream and I thought about the song I love on KSBJ where the singer says, "Give me Your eyes for just one second.  Give me Your eyes so I can see everything that I've been missing.  Give me Your love for humanity."  What have I been missing all of this time?  What has been right in front of me that I was too busy or too scared to stop and look at? 

Maybe God was talking to me in the dream.  Maybe He was showing me that there is so much more outside of my comfortable world of suburbia and friends. There are people who are hurting.  Those that are cold.  Those who are sad.  Those who are lost.  So how can they be found?   God is powerful and He can find them all.  But He chooses to use His people to witness.  I think from now on I will be more careful and more mindful of what is going on around me.  I think I might start with the guy on the corner!

Monday, February 8, 2010


It has been a while since I have posted anything.  I have been sick this weekend and today the girls both had a well visit scheduled so Troy had to take them.  Charlotte is over a year behind in her vaccinations!  I know I know!  It is not that I am against them, she is just baby #3 and I know she will be good without them!  Don't worry she will be caught day!  So here are the stats with Ellie first!

Ellie T-
35 lbs-45%
Her BMI is much higher and the doctor was very pleased with this. 

Charlotte Grace
24 lbs-35%
She is way ahead of all of her milestones at this age.  Yay!  So my girls are good.  And tall-Go figure!