Sunday, November 21, 2010

I'm in the mood...

I have not been in the mood to blog.  I have signed on several times and have even started a post a few times.  I have been journaling and that has been good for me.  I think that it has kept me from the blog.  Lots of stuff has been happening here.  Troy is still out of work and to say it is tight around here is an understatement.  This has been hard for me the control freak, the planner.  I have been writhing over this.  Some interesting things have happened in my life in the last couple of weeks that have really freed me.

  • I have been to two different women events at my church where the message talked about circumstance and how the things that we are going through are not all about US.  Sure we are a part of that circumstance but it is not about me it is not about how it is affecting me, it is about the bigger picture and that is bringing others into the kingdom of heaven.  Telling others how much Jesus loves them.  And if that means that I have to go through something hard then that is what I have to do.  
  • In that I have realized that I have no control over this thing we call life.  Because of that I am free from worry. I don't have to be anxious because it doesn't help anyway. 
  • Someone said that "God doesn't waste a second of [your life]." How true that is!  To know that not one second of this crap that I am in now is not for nothing is encouraging
  • Today I also heard someone say that God is not frantic. He is not running around trying to figure our stuff out.  He is Sovereign and powerful and in complete control!  Isn't that awesome?
  • The other thing is that in my own struggle God put someone in my path that I was able to love on.  It was totally random and when I walked away from the stranger he was fighting back tears.  We all know I am a crier so I couldn't say what I was supposed to say but I did write a note.  And I think that is what brought the tears.  The note just read "Just so you know...God loves you! Have a blessed day".  The fact that He used me in this situation really gave me a boost.  I am relevant in growing His kingdom and no matter what the circumstance He will provide a way. 
So that is it. I am sure I have missed some things but I am done for now! :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tot School-Tangrams

I have to first say that I do not go out of my way to teach Charlotte.  One of the reasons we like to homeschool is because it is work at your own pace and there is no pressure.  So I do not expect my two year old to do anything.  But we do however have fun educational toys that she can play with while I am working with the "Bigs".  That being said.  A few weeks ago I pulled out the tangrams. They are colorful and really I just thought she would like them.  This is what she did with them with no prompting:

They were in a pile and she started to separate them by color.  I know it wasn't shape (that is really for a much older child).  I was surprised to see that she would do that on her own.  (The lower picture is just of the pile).  I decided to pull out the sheets that have patterns on them and see how she would do with it.

She knew immediately what to do.  She matched the colors. Ellie decided to get in on the action as well.

This is a great intro to colors and shapes for Char and patterns for Ellie.  They were both very proud of themselves.  And I was proud of them too!

Friday, November 5, 2010

It's been a while

I have not posted anything lately I know. Not that I don't want to but because life gets in the way.  I have some homeschool posts and personal posts and even just kid posts.  I just have not had the time.  Maybe that will come soon.  What I do know is that life has been crazy.  I have been journaling more lately which is another reason I have not been blogging.  I have been needing to get things out just not in a public forum.  Maybe one day I will be able to share more but right now you can just pray for me! 

Thanks all!