Friday, September 17, 2010

My Girls

*Warning still no no cute pics to update!*

My girls are really so very special to me.  They have really started playing with each other over the last week.  It will be very quiet and I will go looking for them only to find that they have shut the door to their room and are playing vet with all of their animals.  I know Ellie likes it because she can tell Charlotte what to do and Charlotte likes it because Ellie will play with her.  There is a time when toddlers stop playing by themselves and actually want to engage in play with others.  Charlotte has finally started to really make the transition. 

Today I realized it was 1:30 and I had not put Charlotte down for her nap yet.  This is very unusual because I am ready for her nap by then.  I found her and Ellie sharing a blanket in the gameroom watching Olivia and looking at books together.  They were so sweet and I hated to break it up.  When I told Charlotte is was time to go to be she jumped up and yelled, "Night, Hellie." She loves her sister!

Ellie is starting to tolerate Charlotte a lot more too.  I think that she is realizing that Char can play too it is just a little differently.  They have truly spent hours upon hours this week just playing together.  What a blessing. I am sure the cat-fights are sure to ensue but for now I am enjoying this time of sisterly love!

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